I’m a cosplayer and I am looking for a printer that can print a full size Daredevil mask and neck piece. I have the files already. However I am not sure how to scale it. They need to be printed in Flex Pla. my Budget is $200-$300
When you say your budget is $200-$300, do you mean your budget for the mask/cowl to be printed or are you looking to buy a printer in that price range?
Ok, well then you’re just going to need to find a Hub that has Flex PLA and can slice the model for you. It’d be best to find a Hub that can do both because how the model is split is going to depend on the specific printer that prints it. Is the model the proper size in the files you have? As in, has it been designed to fit your head, or are they just general files you found online?
To find a Hub that can do Flex PLA and modeling, all you have to do is upload the model here and under the section labeled “Choose a Material to Print In”, click on the button at the bottom that says “More Filters”. Under the expanded filters, type in “Flex PLA” as the material, and toggle the switch for “Can Help with Modeling Services” under the Hub Services section (see the attached images).