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Dec 2018

I bought DA Vinci mini maker. after printing one model the printer stoped printing. It looks like the feeder is pushing the filament but nothing is coming out the nozzle and the filament is pushing the guide tube out of the connector (the feeder side)… I cleaned the nozzle and it doesn’t help.When loading the filament printing material is coming out from the nozzle.
thank you for your advise.

  • created

    Dec '18
  • last reply

    Dec '18
  • 2


  • 1.5k


  • 2


I’m have a daVinci 1.0 Pro and had the same problem. This is what I had to do to fix mine, but I’m not sure if it’s the same problem with the mini maker. It would be worth you taking a look at these instructions to see if it’s similar to your issue. Good luck!

I didn’t bend the pipe, I just left it straight and put it into the push-connector and then used garden wire to hold the whole thing in place.

Thank you, my printer does load the filament and after the loading the nozzle even ejecting a few millimetres of melting material. The problem is that while trying to print a model nothing is coming out of the nozzle and the filament is pushing the guide tube out of the connector. tnx