Yes, it is fun, but in the meantime, you are competing with brands like Sculpteo, so it’s fun, but in my opinion, we don’t have so much time to try…
It’s just (for me) a reminder, for these specific orders : asking questions is also a way to play for time 
To not be offensive with customer, I just explain why I ask, and we all know use is key for setting up the printer (and some time even the model !)
Today I had a phone call from the customer I was talking about in my previous message.
She had a very specific need, but didn’t know what printing technique was good. At the end, I lost the order, but what’s more important for me than money, is client satisfaction.
She explained me exactly what she really wanted to do with the part, and I sent her to a SLA printing hub !
Something completely different than my machine… It was an art piece, very fragile, had to be like pure glass without any layer effect : definitely not FDM !!
We have to keep in mind, that printing here, is not printing for us. It is less a challenge, than a job. (in my opinion)
Without the details she gave me, I would have print something very good to my eyes, the best I can offer, but useless crap for her, because it doesn’t match her needs.
So I waste my time, my material, and her money for something which breaks the second after I take it off the bed.
She understood it was in her interest, and the way we talk made her feel confident with me.
The tests I made are a great opportunity to improve my knowledge.
And actually, I’m pretty sure I won a future client (of course, if FDM is corresponding to her needs)
Technically speaking, I need now to better anticipate it, so I won’t change price every time (I think this is confusing for the customer), and I can faster reorient a customer.
1/ keep the samples, sort them by layer thickness
(keep the associated code in dedicated folders — which means clean my 3D printer SD card… OMG !!!)
2/ the best would be to publish good pictures on the hub page of these samples and characteristics, so future customers can anticipate the result and the price
3/ Maybe make some more samples I can send for free…
4/ Points 1&2 bring me to the file naming issue : test_material_thickness_speed.gcode (how do you guys name your files ?)
I know some people add printing time also
The customer doesn’t know the right technique and the right material. He just knows the use and maybe the color.
I’m not saying clients are stupid, I’m just saying we have to take our advisory part of the job very seriously