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Jun 2015

I want a custom shape generator - how do I find someone to help me with some pointers?

I want a sort of sine wave to do this automatically:

For compartments for tiles / cards etc…

  • created

    Jun '15
  • last reply

    Jun '15
  • 7


  • 2.5k


  • 5


So what you are looking for a basically a database of different shapes? Is that how I understand it? I think Tinkercad is the best tool to construct these shapes yourself easily , etc.

@Nathan_Grange did you try Tinkercad shape generator (Shape generator > Your shape generator, right hand side panel)?

Hey @Nathan_Grange, as Victor mentioned the custom shape generator in Tinkercad is pretty sweet and you can easily manipulate the shapes from there to suit your specifications. I promise that it really is easy and not like when someone says ‘oh it’s easy’ and they really mean ‘it’s easy if you’ve got 10,000 hours experience’.
Perhaps the awesome @tinkercad team can help you out too?

Hey there Nathan,

Guess you need someone who’s familiar with developing shapes for Tinkercad. I’d approach someone in the Tinkercad community. For instance, David Reeves or Kevin Greenwood. Best way is probably to post a comment on one of their designs.



I had a look at those, nothing exactly like what I need. I’ve taken some sample code and had a bit of a look, but now I need someone to give me some pointers as to how to make it do what I want…

That’s what i’m trying. I just don’t know enough about JS I think. Hence looking for someone who can give me some pointers…