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Dec 2016

When we print phone cases or buildings the ends and corners curl up. Is here a way to prevent this?

  • created

    Dec '16
  • last reply

    Dec '16
  • 3


  • 454


  • 4


When I run ABS or nGen material, I’m always near the printer when the print is almost done.

If there is room on the bed while the print is going on, I fold a paper towel and place it on the bed.

After the print is complete and the extruder parks itself, I wipe off the extruder tip with a rag and then

I place the heated paper towel over top of my parts.

The bed takes longer to cool down to part removal temperature and with the part covered,

I think the part gets heated uniformly.

I have very little curling of ABS or nGen when I do this.


As garthvh suggested, the skirt also helps keep lower edges from curling.

I hope this comment helps you in some manner.

What printer, bed, temps, material etc.? A little info would be very helpful.