Hi so i’m new to 3D printing and i have a prusa i3 it’s my first time printing and i’ve faced a problem with printing there’s alot of space in the prints here’s some photos of the prints https://imgur.com/a/gOZYo and my Cura 15.04.6 settings http://imgur.com/a/g5oG4

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I have a Prusa i3 too and I’m really happy with the results I get.

From a quick glance, your flow percentage looks way way too high. In most cases keeping it between 97 and 103 should be more than enough to play with, and it should really never go above 110 or below 90 for pretty bad filament. I would definitely start by lowering to 100 and see if that helps. Also, if you’re using the filament prusa supplies, I have found best results when printing at 206 oC, 195 seems a little low.

I hope these help, let me know if you’d like screenshots of all my settings.

PS I strongly recommend using the Slic3r software Prusa has on their website; the settings they set up for you are pretty great for a beginner.

i’ve found the problem it’s a nother dead driver

You said another dead driver. Does that mean you’ve had the same issue before? The extruder driver? If you have the a4988 drivers, it could be mis-adjusted, causing the stepper to be under or over powered. I love my i3, hope you’re able to resolve the issue with yours.

One other thing I noticed, was the flow was at 135%. That seems extreme, I’m guessing it was trying to compensate for lack of extrusion?