I have configured Cura 2.1.2 to work with my Makerfarm I3V 12" printer. Its is printing but for some reason after bedlvl and when prints starts it goes out to print, it raises up goes out and when it comes back down to bed to print it to high off bed. what setting am I missing or need to change
Do you have a “z offset” set in the software? If so it might be too high and needs to be adjusted. When the print starts is the Z position at “0”?
Did you calibrate your z offset before ABL or after? I’m assuming you have auto bed leveling enabled, and your z offset will be different before and after the g29 abl command is given. Make sure your hotbed is heated to temp, home and then run ABL when configuring your Z offset. The Z offset sounds like it’s off after leveling.