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Mar 2015

Hi guys, thanks for your input! Moving forward, could you please use a link to your hub profile as a means of contact? I took your email out now, but please keep it in mind for next time. Cheers :slight_smile:

First of all, the Cubify Sense is far from high definition. It will give you selfies that lack precision in texture and spacial resolution. We have a couple here and we just don’t use them. It is good for non-commercial use.

I would recommend using an Artec 3D scanner. It is much better. We do a lot of color prints with a Projet 660. With the limitations of any color 3D printer, you can’t afford to have a bad source file - it would only make the prints worse.

We are in Canada but perhaps it could still work. After all our canadian dollar is not doing well right now.

I’m unsure on the lockdown that I expect there is on the 3d systems version, but ideally based on your statements, you would want to get a structure io and run the aftermarket app itseez3d. While lower quality then an Eva, for the difference in price, it’s more then acceptable. There are several companies out there that will do touchups on the scans for a low cost. Basically you also want to ensure you have the correct setup. It’s best to have a turn table for the person and photo lights on both sides of you to ensure consistent lighting. This set up only cost about $700 but really improves the quality of the scans.


Hello, We have a Projet X660 and we commercialize full body 3D Scanner.

We use a 3D Scan Sens Cubify with Recfusion (possible with Reconstructme and Skanect) which is better than the 3D System’s software.

The most important is to have :

- Good lighting light

- Full body 3D scanner (turntable, automatic vertical rail with universal support for 3d scanner)

Have a nice day !!

Hello LAD;

Sorry for late reply - missed your msg. I am located in Norway. Pls. send files, and you will have a quotation. rgds. Bjorn

Hey imalize,

Where did you get all the motorized parts in your scanning setup? I’ve been looking for a turntable and scanner rail system. Any info you can provide would be greatly appreciated!



I’ve had those projects bookmarked for a while now. I was wondering how you motorized your scanner rig. Got any references for how you did that? Maybe a few close-up photos would help!

