I’m struggling to print the hook of my Marvin Properly.
I own a CubePro Duo and I have just moved to the Simplify3D software.
It prints most of the Marvin better than the CubePro Software, but when it gets to the hook it just messes it up.
I’m still relatively new to g-code and trying to get my head round it all and willing to learn, and figure out what all the settings are.
I’m thinking I need to lower the speed, lower the flowrate and somehow create a cool down between layers.
Any help?
I’ve attached the full marvin in White ABS at 200 microns (CubePro, lower quality print but better hook (left) and Simplify 3D better print but bad hook (right), and my attempts at just the hook in Magenta ABS.
I suggest you to use the function in Simplify that with enable cross section let you have different settings depending on the dimensions of the part to print. I also suggest you lower the speed when printing the hook. Sorry for my poor english but there are some tutorials on Simplify site to help you.
I think is the best configuration and result you can get with CubeX Duo. We’ve the same trouble with a similar object and dowloading Cura (a free Gcode generator) we’ve solved it.