I’m still pretty new to 3d printing, and I’m now on my second printer. Unfortunately within 2 weeks. My first one was a pay as you go printer, which wasn’t advertised. I have had the new one for 2 days now. The first day it was working perfectly. Today when I went to use it, it will not turn on. I’ve tried using my other power cable, multiple outlets, it has to be the printer. The first day I had it I did upgrade to 7.5. I don’t think this would have to do with anything, but just adding it in here. Does anyone know what this issue could be? Or where to start to diagnose the problem. Thanks in advance.
Start with the plug in the wall. Is that plugged in? Is it plugged into the back of they bot? Is the connection from the switch to the power supply tight. Do you have mains voltage at the power supply? Do you have 24v on the dc side of the power supply? Is the power supply connected to the motherboard? Are any lights on the mightyboard? Is the ribbon cable firmly seated on both ends? If you are getting 24v dc into the motherboard, then label and unplug everything except the power? If the bot powers on, you have a short somewhere. You then plug things in one at a time to find the fault.
my ctc printer did the same m8 turns out the power unit is only giveing out 3.6 v
was working for a bout a hour then stopped.lcd is still on but cant see anything lights on the power unit and motherboard are still on.i have emailed them for a new unit to see if that will fix it.
I just got my printer yesterday, the CTC MakerBot replicator clone. Powered it up, leveled the bed, printed my first part (came out perfect)… let it cool and powered it off. Today I went home at lunch and was going to start an other small print. But it won’t power on either. Nothing lights up. Thought it was the outlet in the wall, plugged something else in and it worked. So I tried a different power cable… still won’t power on.
Flipped the printer upside down and all the connections seemed fine.
Follow the same instructions below. Using a voltmeter, follow the power from the wall into the motherboard. It has to stop flowing somewhere. If you have a short in the 5V rail, like in the endstop cables, it will de-power the board. Unplug the x end stop from the motherboard, as its most likely the one gone bad ( its the only one that moves )
The fuse looks good, and the thermistor is just a surge protection device. Likely you had a bad surge one day and fried the thermistor. These power supplies likely fail at the big 470 uF capacitors at the back of the PSU. Check if they are expanded, or just one is expanded. If that is the case you have to replace both because the other will not take the load soon after and likely failed as well.