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Jul 2017

Hi all,

I’ve replaced the extruder on my CTC with a Titan, but the nozzle is now too far off the bed. Any thoughts on how I can adjust the bed height? I thought I had found something when I found “printer preferences” in the makerbot software, but no matter what I change the parameters to, it seems to make no difference to the height of the bed.

Any ideas gratefully received.

The issue is the endstop at the back of the printer, this is not controllable by software. You will need to raise the endstop switch up to move the build platform up in your case. Or use longer screws and springs underneath the printbed so you can adjust it further away from the carrier plate.

Thanks Bardiir,

I’ve moved it up a bit, and it’s fine. Now I just need to persuade it to talk to the new temp sensor and I might have something going!