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Sep 2016

Hi, I’m a newbie to 3d printing. I was using the printer and it was working just fine, I inserted the SD card to print something and the screen spewed out a bunch of gibberish. So I thought to turn off the machine and reboot it. When I went to turn it off the power switch wasn’t clicking off, I futzed with it a little and the machine turned off. Then I couldn’t get it to turn back on. I thought maybe it was a bad switch so I pulled the switch out and now the switch seems to be working fine but no power, the fuse seems to be good also soooo… Any ideas? BTW there was no smell of electronics burning or smoke etc…

  • created

    Sep '16
  • last reply

    Sep '16
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You inserted your card, it may have bent a pin inside the reader and shorted something out. You can try to disconnect one ribbon cable at a time from the card reader and power up to see if it comes back. As well, inspect the slot for bent pins.

Most likely your P/S is dead, replace it and see what happen. Also, get a new power switch just in case. If you still under warranty, get your supplier to send you a new one.

The Power Cable/Coord of the CTC can be broken, mine worked only one time than i had to replace it, there is also an additional fuse given so you could also try to replace this

Thanks to all, I replaced the fuse and no change., Couldn’t see anything wrong with the card reader, so I am guessing it is the P/S since I have seen a lot of posts saying they had to replace it. It is still under warrantee and I contacted or at least tried to contact the manufacturer but was unable to send anything through their website so I emailed someone about it and have not heard back yet. Is there an easier way to contact them? Their site has nothing that I could find about customer support other than how to send the printer back to them.

Did you try to use another power coord, i mean the one you plug in the power outlet. I know it seems strange that this is broken but it happens sometimes with the CTC and it solved my problem with the CTC.

Yes I did and no change. Thanks for the info though. I have about a dozen cords hanging around, no way it could be that easy. =)

8 days later

Still haven’t heard back from customer support. But I changed the power switch and everything is working fine. Thanks for the help.