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Sep 2017


i have been 3d printing for about 2 years but i have had this printer for a year and the person who had it before me glued glass to the bed and then put a magnetic sheet and aluminium on top of that so it didnt get very hot when being heated. i decided to take the glass of and use a picture frame piece of glass alone on top of heated bed to get more heat and a perfectly leval surface. but after removing everything including an extra piece of plastic which used to be used as an ofset to compensate for the extra thickness but i didnt need it any more because i had alredy taken the extra thicknessof the magnetic sheet off. but now when i print it realy doesnt print well on the first layer.

My thoughts are this.

1. It looks like it is printing just a tiny bit too close on the first layer. Nozzle to close.

2. Regular picture frame glass can be not at all “flat” and can warp pretty easily if clamped down on an uneven bed. If the other piece of glass is thicker and maybe even borosilicate glass then try it out.

I think that it’s probably crooked but is there a way to level by bending it back into shape or can I just by the aluminium part of the bed or do I have to buy it with the heater part