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Oct 2015

Hello, I wan’t to print Carbon Fiber with my FF Creator Pro but as I understand it will damage my extruders over time and I do not wish that to happen. Is it possible to upgrade these extruders with somthing like the E3D-v6? Or something that will improve the lifespan of my extuder?

  • created

    Oct '15
  • last reply

    Nov '15
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Extruder nozzles are replaceable. E3d isn’t exactly a bolt in design for a Creator Pro and you will most assuredly loose some z height doing it. Try using nozzles from Micro Swiss or P3-d.com 64

The only thing you need to replace is the nozzle. Find a nozzle that is made out of hardened steel instead of brass/copper.

We have printed carbon fiber from http://www.proto-pasta.com/ 39

You can also but the nozzle from them as well, it works great.

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The biggest issue with printing CF filament is its abrasiveness through the nozzle. If you upgrade to a stainless steel nozzle you will be fine. It may speed up wearing on the PTFE tube, but that is easily replaceable

+1 on Micro Swiss, he has a complete kit so that you can convert from PTFE lining to all-metal for the hotend. If you buy the complete kit, you can run your extruders at up to 300 degrees C and print cool stuff like Poly carbonate alloy and other high temp stuff.

Nice to see you around here, @Cabe1000! Love your guys’ work, maybe share some of your projects on Talk as well? Be sure to also add them to your Hub page for all visiting customers to see :wink: Cheers!

I have the microswiss extruders. They’re probably the path of least resistance to improved printing.

Hello gabriela,

Thank you for the compliment.

We will try to be more active on the hub.

Still new here so going to take some time to build up =).

13 days later