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Jul 2016

Hi guys, i have a creatbot DX and am having endless hassles trying to get this printer to work, it prints fine on one extruder but the minute i try a dual print it just falls over … i got a hex file (firmware) from the seller but i dont know how to laod this hex file, can anyone please share some advice ?

  • created

    Jul '16
  • last reply

    Jul '16
  • 3


  • 2.7k


  • 4


you have to connect the printer to the PC, load the cura ( createware or whar ever is called ) and go the the machine tub then install custom firmware, select the HEX file you need and click open.

What are your print settings?

What material are you printing?

Do you have a file for example?

Are you using the wipe tower?

What retraction are you using?

Are you bed levelling?

Are your printer heads level or is one higher than the other?

hi make sure you have the printer on and connected to pc, i am not sure what you mean falls over , or are you saying that the object has not got enough filament to hold it up , is it peek tube assembly or metal hot end, the other thing that you have to do is calibrate z1 on both extruders so that you only have exactly 100mm of filament feeding out when you dial it in rick