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Dec 2017

Here is what I am trying to do. I have a component I had to slice because it was too large. So I sliced it then I thought I would add some clips or tabs to it in order to snap it together. I built the naps out just fine. I then saved it from sketchup with the snaps, and I imported it to netfabb to test for errors. THere was no errors so I put in in slic3r to get the gcode for it. I got the gcode and uploaded it to a simulator. It only prints the tab and not the item I attached it too.

Does anyone know any good tutorials for something like this?

  • created

    Dec '17
  • last reply

    Dec '17
  • 4


  • 1.5k


  • 5


Pictures would help to see the issue. Try attaching a screenshot of design and printed part. Im unfamiliar with slic3r but does it give you a sliced preview where you can see each layer?

sometimes if you import to stl in sketch you have to make sure all components and group are closed, else you loose some in the stl!

I would run it through makeprintable. It will show you the model and possibly fix it.

Since you created the drawing and exported it using Save to STL - while in Sketchup.

You can import that STL file back into Sketchup.

If there is a problem with your STL, you will see it in the imported STL.


If there are no errors in your STL in Sketchup, you should be good to go.

I do this with all of my Sketchup models.

I have never had any trouble, once the STL is good to go in Sketchup.

I also use the Solids Inspector plug in to confirm my drawing is actually solid with volume.

I hope this helps in some manner