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Sep 2017

looks like you could do some tweaking to the retraction settings, maybe increase retraction distance and speed (top speed for FF extrusion motor is about 30mm/s i believe).

also, under the “advanced” tab in s3d, in the ooze control section, make sure “force retraction between layers” and “perform retraction during wipe movement” are both enabled. hope this helps!

did you just install the all metal hotend? It looks like you might have a leak of filament out of the threads. Check the printer while printing, make sure filament bobs are not being generated out of the top of the nozzle - if it is, it’s likely you just need to tighten everything up, but you have to do it while the print head is up to speed.

Actually, I have seen this with almost every carbon filled material I have tried.

Even when all my other materials do not show this kind of behaviour, carbon-filled material will.

You probably have tried different speeds, print temperature, retraction speed & distance, and still get this once in a while.

I have more or less given up on trying to print anything decent with carbon filled material. For strength, it is not necessary (standard PLA will be stronger) and for stiffness you can just increase the infill. Also, I find carbon filled material prints to be less dimensionally accurate. The one thing going for it might be the the looks of your print and the fact that a carbon filled print is usually lighter (as in less weight) than the same print in pure material like PLA or PETG.