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Mar 2015

I have sample pack of XT, PLA and the specials and really like Colourfabbs materials and their technical support.

I just wish they could provide a purchase length of say 10m, I would really love to get hold of the other colours in the PLA range, and the same with the WoodFill, BambooFill, CopperFill, BrassFill and BronzeFill (not sure on the XT-CF at the moment untill I get replacement nozzles). I would love to be able to offer these materials but investing in the cost of a complete spool of each is to costly, that’s where Faberdashery have an edge I can buy the amount I need.

Please, please start providing smaller length options of your full range.

If anybody else would like ColorFabb to supply by the meter etc. please add to this chat line, perhaps it could happen.

I just got some samples in 5m rather than 10m from globalfsd.com, they have colorfabb as well as other vendors. I was in same boat and wanted to test some others without getting a whole spool or whole set of sample packs. Although I do now have a spool of woodfill as it’s great fun to print with :slight_smile:

Maybe an idea for the next London meet up could be to bring unwanted sample filaments and swap/donate to each other. I have a few samples I no longer need as I got spools or ends of colours that might be useful to someone to test with? Plan to test the same pack from the London event this week as well to see how it works out