i was wondering if anyone has any experience with Colorfabb filament on M3D The Micro printer?
Aug '15last reply
Jun '16- 7
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i was wondering if anyone has any experience with Colorfabb filament on M3D The Micro printer?
If you guys manage to show me that you can print copperfil or woodfill thing on M3D i Seriously consider buying it !
Hi – yes, it prints fine on the Micro in my experience. I can’t remember what temperature I used but it was something around 200C - 210C. Here’s a stripy duck I did a while ago on my Micro (by welding together lengths of Colorfabb samples using a soldering iron and a length of PTFE tubing
Colorfabb prints on the Micro look really good – the colours are somehow very satisfying.
Just placed order for bunch of 5 meters colorfabb. There are copper, brass, wood and glow filament that I will be testing with the micro. We’ll see.
Anybody knows cheating codes for The Micro. I bought a bunch of samples from ColorFabb but don’t know which codes to use while loading filament.
I think I damaged my nozzle with the XT-CF20. I was never able to successfully print anything since and still need to replace it… ;(
I can’t wait for the heated print bed from kickstarter, which should help a lot with otherwise tricky print jobs!
I don’t understand why M3D doesn’t offer one. It clearly doesn’t work all that well without it very often…
Hopefully this helps! https://printm3d.com/solutions/article.php?id=47 4
@StephenC Hi Stephen, did you tried these filaments on the M3d ?