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May 2015

We’re still working on the formula, but check out our mad scientists’ current project! Is it bulletproof??

  • created

    May '15
  • last reply

    Jun '15
  • 18


  • 1.5k


  • 9


Bulletproof 3d printing material! That’s something I never thought of. Keep up the amazing job guys. Looking forward to smash-testing some of your Material! :smiley:

My Blendtec is willing to give it a test!

When/when is this available?

Thanks guys! Shoot us an email at listening@madesolid with your info and we can put you into our beta tester program!

Hey that’s my buckle design from my mini factory. Cool!

I can just see it now Nikki! We will have to send you a Marvin head to put in a blender. You’ll be more famous than the Shamwow guy!

We’ll need your awesome sound track to build the tension! I think we should set a date to do it! @ may never forgive us for the Marvin blend.

I may, I may not. Rumour has it Marvin’s like a Phoenix - blend his filament body and he only comes out stronger…

@ & @Chris_19 if you join the beta testing you can share your experience here with the rest of us here on Talk!

23 days later