I currently use a cocoon create 3d touch and sometimes the printer won’t fill the first layer’s surface at all. My prints start out fine with the outline but then it stops extruding filament while still moving around when printing the center parts. Please Help!!!
Now it starts out alright but ends up going back to its problems halfway through… and if I manually push the filament through it goes through the nozzle with no problem
What temp are you running the plastic at and what type of plastic? Is the Cocoon Bowden or direct feed? Is there a tension adjustment knob for the filament pinch wheel?
198C is an odd exact temperature. Set your slicer to 215C, re-slice, and upload. See if that allows the print to finish. 198 can work but without knowing a ton of other parameters you are using it is on the very low side.
Tried 215. I still have the same issue. It feels like at some point the filament doesnt go al the way in, so it doesnt supply the extruder with enough filament. Cause filament usually starts to go out at around 200 but after failed print nothing goes out and I have to manually push the filament in so it starts to come out