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Mar 2016

Hi Hubs & 3D printing enthusiasts!

We’d like to invite you to 3D Hubs co-polyester workshop, organized in collaboration with Colorfabb.

We’ll be showcasing the various co-polyester filaments developed by Eastman and colorFabb. This is the ultimate opportunity to learn more about how nGen and _XT are different and when to choose a certain material. The workshop will teach you best practice settings and printing strategies to become a master of the co-polyester portfolio.

ColorFabb will also bring along a new co-polyester scheduled for release Q1 of 2016. This co-polyester features the highest heat resistance yet and provides the best impact resistance of them all.

What’s the catch?
The pretty awesome catch is that each attendee will receive a custom made Colorfabb sample pack, which will include various samples including nGen, XT and an upcoming high temperature resistance material.

We’ll make sure to have plenty of drinks & snacks to go with it.
Ticket price for this event is 5€ and includes:

- Custom-made 500g Sample Pack (retail value: 20.00€) – nGen / _XT and developmental material
- Co-polyester for 3D Printing workshop
- Drinks & snacks

Spaces + Sample Packs are limited so make sure to secure yours here!
Look forward to seeing you!

Frank, 3D Hubs Mayor Den Bosch