Hi guys,
Numerous customers asked me how they change the scale of their file. From 5/6cm to 30cm for example.
I don’t know what software is the best for this, any idea ?
Thanks in advance,
We actually have a FAQ item on this: www.3dhubs.com/faq#prepare-for-printing
Let me know if that helps?
Because I think the software is more “user-friendly”, I would rather tell my customer to use Meshmixer… but not really important.
Fair point GloomySparker - if anyone is looking for it, here’s the download link: Versa Connector (TNDCI DEV) 0.0.1 - Sign On
Great, thanks a lot guys @Brian @GloomySparker
I’m an Ultimaker owner, so I just use Cura, which has a scaling option. Works like a charm!