Hi @Rahull_Gagneja did you heat the bed? Getting the sheet off is a whole lot easier if the bed is heated to around 70C (but mind your fingers) and a lot easier to clean if heated to about 30 or 40C.
I used a single edge razor blade/scraper to get most off then I carefully used paint thinner (it’s what I had) to loosen the glue and kept slowly scraping it off. I might recommend removing the heater plate so not to damage it. You might also try goo gone or google a method of removing the glue.
Definitely clean it up after removing it. If you don’t parts where the glue has balled up will be uneven and give you trouble with future prints. I used orange goo remover and warmed up the plate a little.
Pulled off being warm. I used acetone for post cleaning. It went pretty well, but I have never used the blue buildtak after. I use a piece of 3mm high temp glass over the plate. Far more convenient, you can take it off, you can wash it without the buildtak mess
Heat the bed, use the old sticker to lift the stuck glue bits off. Dab repeatedly with the old sticker. Swapping while the bed is hot make it much cleaner.
if you have to resort to a removal, use “goof off” works wonders!
D-limonene, the same stuff used for dissolving HIPS supports, is what is found in many of those orange cleaners. Should make removing the extra glue simple and many of us have some sitting around already.