Looking to get a men’s ring made from a 3D image. Anyone in Edmonton print in Castable wax ?
Jul '16last reply
Jul '16- 6
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Looking to get a men’s ring made from a 3D image. Anyone in Edmonton print in Castable wax ?
I’m not anywhere near Edmonton, but you might want to consider approaching a machine shop with a 4 or 5 axis mill/lathe (depending the complexity of the piece). Printable wax is expensive and machining might be cheaper.
Also, a lot of jewlers have CNC machines these days.
Ya i’ve been getting my wax done through Shapeways for $15 - $30. Jewelers charge way too much to make wax molds. But ya i will look into checking out a machine shop, thanks.
Ok, I own and operate Iceman Jewelers, and run a Form2 for my custom waxes, and yes we used to use milling machines but the last ring we did that way we had over 100 hrs into it! The Wax printers are so much better in so many ways!~ I’ll print the wax and ship it or build the piece in gold silver or platinum. I have decent pricing on my hub… feel free to check me out! Springfield, Missouri . I print and cast rings all the time I am The ICEMAN! any questions please feel free to ask!
$15 to $30 is really a good price for printed wax. I’m guessing it’ll be hard to compete with that.
Out of curiosity what kind of mill were you using? We use a 5 axis mill and it really cuts down the amount of time necessary.