Windows 10 and thrpugh the provided usb
And most importantly what software are you using to slice/communicate with your printer?
I am using Windows 10 and Cura software, before my thread got hijacked lol
Yes also through the provided USB cord that came in the box
I have been to the software website as well
Try removing the jumper 14 on the control board. I also had issues establishing a connection with my computer and this made it work consistently since. It requires you to open the control box which can be a bit tricky the first time.
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I am really brand new to this, This is my first Printer and I dont know if thats a good idea for me lol. I got the Test print to print great but I cant get anything else to print right since , the first thing I tried to print was a wheel to help with bed leveling because those wing nuts are a pain in the ass. Im going to re-level and try again tonight after work.
OK - I agree - don’t start opening boxes (yet). Start at basics.
1. Open Device Manager in W10 - go to start and type in Device Manager (in Control Panel) in search window. Open DM and go to the top drop down menu View and select Show Hidden Devices
2. Ensure you have Ports (COM and LPT) available and dropping down from that USB Serial Device - usually COM3 but not always. Open this up and check the Baud rate
3. Open Cura and under Machine drop-down go to Machine Settings - check the Communication settings match your DM settings - try to connect.
4. If this doesn’t work - real simple - try a shorter and guaranteed known working USB cable - Cura is very picky over its serial connections
Let me know how you get on.
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The Printer is showing on Com 4 , Its the only available choice in the cura drop down menu. I did check and change the baud rate yesterday. Still no connection. I guess until I figure it out I will use the Micro sd. The second problem like I mentioned is No Other filament but the test print stuff has worked, I had some promising results with the wood PLA stuff I purchased but I think the bed needs leveled again. I am not ignorant to technology I taught myself to build my last PC so I know I can do this lol.
This is the answer. Try this and it should work fine.
I’m not connected directly to my PC, but on the Wanhao i3 I would recommend buying a Raspberry Pi and install OctoPrint. Then you will be able to access the printer from not only this PC, but also other PC´s in the network. And online if you open your router for it.
The Jumper thing? Im not sure how this forum works yet lol.
And if it is the jumper, how do I know which one is the right one?
There is also a lot of information at for those that haven’t found that yet and the FB page.
Was really hesitant to open up the i3, but I bit the bullet and she’s working away. Many thanks.
Hi Scott,
I still cannot get my printer to connect to my computer on Windows 10. Did you find the answer?
Steve I seem to be having the same problem. I cant even find my printer in the device menu let alone find the Baud rate.