Hi guys,
I have a HIC Prusa i3 3DP-12. This is my first time working with a 3d printer, and it’s fun! After assembly, I printed 2 parts with no problem and was very pleased with the quality. However, the 3rd part was estimated to take 5 hours, so I started it and left it. I could have sworn I heard some clicking while I was gone, but it didn’t register in my mind, and I honestly may have made it up. When I came back, the print was only half finished, and the printer was off, even though the power switch was still on. Now, no matter how many times I unplug it and flip the switch, there is no response at all. One thing that was interesting was that afterwards, I was manually turning the screws for the Z-axis and the left one made a snapping sound before turning in my hand as it normally would. I’m not sure if a stepper motor blew out and fried something, or if my control board or power supply went dead. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!
Ok, finally got a voltmeter and poked a bit. Turns out, the signal stops right after the power switch on the control board! I’m hoping HIC will replace the switch. In the meantime, can I simply just bypass the switch and wire the power supply right into where the switch would connect?
I’ve seen some machines that come with a switch with a replaceable fuse in it. Not sure if this is what you have. Also unplug the power cord and check that the connector crimps are good and tight.
Some of mine are like this and some actually have a fuse inside on the board. good pic of the switch. I never noticed the little space where the fuse is until I searched for it. Easy to over look.
Hey guys,
To update, after waiting for 4 weeks for a replacement switch (embedded in the cage) from HICTOP, I finally received it, installed it, and found that it completely solved the problem! Thanks for the help.