We are partnering with Quirky to help the users of their idea and invention platform. With 3D Printing, inventors can enhance the presentation of their ideas and we are going to help them do it. We are bringing 3D to Quirky by connecting them to 15-20 of our best 3D Hubs 3D modelers and would like to know which of you is interested? If you are, please let us know here or send an email to zach@3dhubs.com with your Hub profile link, level of expertise and your hourly fee.


Cool idea, @Zach! We’ll help spread the word :wink:

Thanks Gabriela!!

Is there any specific software you like me to be good at, or just modellers in general?

Filemon: the skills that are important here are:

3D Modeling, Sketching, Prototyping, Rendering, Video and Ideation.

Any software for these will do!

I would definitely be interested!

Wonderful, akafchinski. Can you let me know which of the following are your skills and provide a link to your hub? Thank you!

3D ModelingSketchingPrototypingRenderingVideoIdeationOther

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I do all of those: 3D Modeling, Sketching, Prototyping, Rendering, Video, Ideation, Design Optimization.

Sorry about the late reply, didn’t know I had a response. =)

Other places with some of my work:


My program of choice is Solidworks. I also have experience with Autodesk Inventor and PTC Creo 2.0. I am learning Blender at the moment as well since I had an order for some organically shaped figurines that I need to model.