I think a big community group build is a great idea! Even if it was just an art piece for display around different major cities. Something like the http://www.wethebuilders.com/ or the mini version my group did locally http://www.create1.biz/3djack/ which looks good with the “printpunk” patchwork look.
If there is a huge amount of interest and there are not enough parts to go around, I say break it off into regions who make their own.
This is so great to see that our bicycle inspired others. The bicycle we designed in Solidworks is a 1:1 scale of a real bicycle. It is designed from the ground up but it isn’t very 3D-print friendly. For example I’ve attached the front wheel, as you can see it has a lot of details. Probably not the ideal printing object (we only designed another wheel purely for the prototype, the rest of the prototype is scaled down to 30% of the original).
We can share our Solidworks design with all the parts. Before we do that we want to apply the things we learned from printing the awesome prototype @k5o52 on the Solidworks design. And of course I would like to hear if there is need for our Solidworks design.
I will keep an eye out for this thread. It would be so cool if this really works out. Already seeing it in front of me, with our prototype for scale measurements haha. Awesome. Voorwiel_spaken.STL (6.47 MB)
I have two 30" x 30" x 45" (760 x 760 x 1150mm) Precision FDM printers. I design and manufacture them myself. A giant wheel/frame should be no problem to produce. The tire could be made of ninjaflex TPE. The frame can be printed with carbon fiber ABS for added rigidity and reduced weight. I am also an engineer/bicycle fanatic and would be willing to offer design services for this project. Contact me at cguillory@gmail.com to collaborate!