Customer support for the q3d printer is horrible. We purchased through it arrived with parts missing and damaged.but, we delayed in asking for parts over the 30 days.(gave it to our son for a present which was beyond the 30 days- didnt realize it at the time) We have been trying to get the correct parts, contacted customer support multiple times, eventually to have amazon call (the only time we receive a response was because amazon called the company) to this day, one year later we still have a nonfunctional 3d printer. It has been a nightmare.

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Ugh. When will people stop buying these things.

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I bought one (almost3 years ago) and I love it, print with it almost every day. You sort of broke rule #1 with buying a kit though… You always check your parts immediately.

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Bought one last year. Prints horribly compared to every other printer I’ve tried. Basalt bed cracked, X gantry sags, Y gantry sags. Takes 15 minutes to heat the bed and the extruder. Prints come off all the time. This printer has been levelled down to less than ten microns, and it still misbehaves. PETG is the only thing I can print reliably, and yet the quality is horrid. I’ve spent 300 in upgrades, but the only proper upgrade is to buy or build a new printer.

Just because it *works* doesn’t mean it works well, and just because it works for you doesn’t mean it works for everybody. When I can get a Monoprice Select Mini for less than the cost of the oneup, I don’t see why anyone should buy this. It might work well for some, but with its failure rate in the wild, I don’t see why newbies should waste their time and money, and I don’t see why you should defend it just because you got lucky.

Just a suggestion, The OneUp was my first printer, I bought it a couple of years ago. It had a couple of broken pieces, which I received replacements for. While waiting I used SuperGlue on the broken parts and was able to use it until replacements arrived. What parts are broken on yours? If you can get it going, try to reprint replacement parts. I for one recommend the Xgantry replacement. It got rid of a lot of mdf stuff. I used mine to print parts for another printer (Rostock Delta) and migrated the electronics and other hardware over once I had it set. Since then I have printed/constructed a couple of other types.If you get it going a cooling fan for the PEEK barrel on the hotend is a must-have or you will get heat creep and clog the nozzle.The hotend withe the round PEEK barrel was the kind that it came with when I bought it, not sure what it ships with now. Even if you have to “jury-rig” some kind of duct with a fan until you can print one. I bought a cheap “Chinese clone” for $10 on E-bay and that basically solved my clogged nozzle issues. As an entry level I learned a lot from this. Since I originally bought mine there have been a lot of lowcost alternatives that are competitive with that printer. If you have the TwoUp you will have similar problems. Good Luck!

The x, y and z motors were non-functional, extruder motor missing, ETHREAD, EUNTHREAD, missing, microcontroller board was broken,y gantry missing,eblock2, side plate1 and 2, nematodes 17 motor missing. It was a gift and I had no idea what I was looking at. Then we were in a huge move so I ended up delaying giving the gift. (True that is my fault for not checking everything right away, but, there is no excuse for the lack of customer support)

When people stop putting a 5 star rating for it on amazon

They’re faking some of the reviews! There are three duplicate reviews for the Threeup, from different people. Each account has only one review. Clearly fake.

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I agree the support was pathetic. I know nothing about the ThreeUp.