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Nov 2016


I did a 12 hour print overnight last night on my LulzBot TAZ 6 that came out with a really bumpy, odd print quality. Not sure what to change to keep this from happening. I am printing with the object upright to get nicer print quality in the Z axis. The piece is 1mm thick at its thinnest point and I am using a 0.5mm nozzle in PLA.


  • created

    Nov '16
  • last reply

    Dec '16
  • 7


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  • 7


Looks to me like there is a bit of over extrusion going on. Have you tried printing a calibration cube with this material?

What infill do you have set, and how many top layers? In addition to overextrusion, it’s possible your infill is too sparse and/or you don’t have enough top layers. The printer can’t print well over large gaps (which happens when the infill is too low) so you end up with clump scattered across the top from sections of the top layers not adhering to anything and curling up. The printer will print over these spots, but will leave behind a rough surface, like what you have here.

@keebie81 Simplify3D. I’m trying the print again at 210C instead of 205 and it working better but there are still some little spots where it’s not perfect. Thinking I might have to thicken the file up.


I also have a TAZ6 and am attempting to reduce or eliminate this same anomaly.

It seems like the Infill overlap in CURA is too much.

When I reduce the Infill overlap to 10% as opposed to the default 15% The anomaly is not as bad.

I’m not sure if reducing the Infill overlap farther would help or not.

Another thing I’ve tried with some success is to increase the Shell thickness to 2mm.

It seems like CURA likes to see even numbers there.

I’m still working on it.

I know this is not the answer you are looking for, but I hope it helps you in some manner.

Don’t print at higher temperatures, lower the cooling fan or turn it off and print with lower temperature instead. When you cool the printed filament so fast you’re not giving it enough time to sit flat and let the bumps to fade out. Put your printer in a smaller room and keep the doors shut so the room temperature gets stabilized during the print.

2 months later

Which toolhead are you using on the Lulzbot?

What were your settings?