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Jan 2016

So I built a kossel, http://folgertech.com/products/folger-tech-kossel-2020-full-3d-printer-kit 1, this one to be exact. I flashed it with firmware, ran the pronterface program and tested it out. Motors move well / ok, I had to tighten the belts to make it worked better, but it did. I inverted the extruder motor, so the filament would feed correctly, but when I ran my first print, the sliders move down, catch a few times and the filament would slowly come out of the top hole and no longer be in the hot end. The sliding unit would go down and then the belt would catch and the motors would grind. In a panic I unplugged the PSU from the wall, since motors were making a very bad noise and starting to get very hot. When I plugged the PSU back into the wall I heard a small pop and no light came on. Now nothing turns on. I had wired it to the manuals instructions and had only plugged it in a couple times. I think that I was sent a bad PSU.

I should note I am using there firmware for there Rev A model, I have Rev B, I should probably use the new firmware, but I dialed it all in with Rev A and from what it looks like in terms of general movements it seems fine, I tried the Rev B firmware and then thing went crazy. I should probably spend more time with the newer firmware.

  • created

    Jan '16
  • last reply

    Jan '16
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I recently built a Mini Kossel and also had several problems but never one with the PSU. Does the light on the PSU still turn on? If it does, you may have blown something in the board instead. You can use a multimeter on the power input to check. And also you did the right thing in turning it off, but that can be dangerous because without the fans on, the heat could travel up the hotend and melt the plastic further up. Getting the firmware calibrated can be pretty tricky. Are you using Marlin or Repetier?

The extruder stepper doesn’t look right. The extrude input hole is not on the same line as the filament coming off the reel. It looks like it would have trouble feeding.

Did you adjust the stepper drivers? The pololu A4988 etc require careful adjustment. Its very simple to do, but you can’t just eyeball it.

Try disconnecting the PSU from the wall and measure the voltage on the pins. If you still get a proper reading, it might be ok, if the readings are incorrect or zero you may just have a bad PSU.

15 days later


motors hot + grinding sounds like too much current is being supplied from the stepper drivers. There are lots of videos & instructions online about how to reduce the current, also known as adjustinf vref. Google: adjust vref . Also a multimeter would help but not essential.

However, need to sort the PSU first. Tried changing the fuse?

8 days later

Without images or no knowledge of meter readings, I would say you fried your electronics or blown a capacitor. check the indicators on the fuses and capacitors. But its likely you have to replace the electronics completely.

For one, buying super cheap kits like folgertech will cost you more than it is worth, I had my troubles with retailers like them sourcing Chinese DOA arduino megas and poorly made ramps 1.4. Also chinese knockoff e3ds are not worth a damn. You better replace your electronics with the legitimate/known quality boards and drivers. I myself bought and fried 3 cheap arduino mega’s with just my USB power because the chip that manages the usb power got fried. I had 1 DOA ramps 1.4 with malfunctioning polyfuse. Also the power supply provided, put out less voltage than it was rated for, it was unable to maintain or reach temperature in the hotend.

It cost me $300+ to replace the hotend, electronics (3 Cheap arduino Megas + 1 Ramps 1.4 + 5 pololu drivers + 1 power supply + 1 Arduino Mega (Legit ones)

My advice would be to get the legit ones and save yourself months of headache.