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Mar 2015

Hey, I just wanted to ask how you guys like/are using BuildTak. My school has a Makerbot Rep. 2 (4th gen), and just convinced them to buy a sheet of BuildTak to try it out…Two semi-serious jobs have gone on it in the last few days and this is what happened:

1st real job: a 10hr print using less than 200g, maybe even less than 100g. Adhered to the buildplate alright I guess, not any better than painters tape. Also there was poor layer adhesion throughout the print.

2nd real job (mine): A 9hr print using between 100g-200g as well. I was printing 6 of these: Arm Extension Kits for DJI Frames by Bosnianbill - Thingiverse 67 arm to plate mounts at once. The printers are in the middle of a room that has two exits to the outdoors, and usually has 1 or both doors open, so as an expirement, I taped cardboard to the sides of the printer, and a clear acrylic sheet over the front in hopes they’d help with drafts. This time, the BuildTak did its job TOO well. The parts were printed well, and turned out very nicely even at .3mm resolution. BUT, they were stuck to the build plate. And I mean STUCK. I obviously printed them on their flat side, and as you can see it not huge, around 1in by 2in. But, they simply wouldn’t come off of the BuildTak, and when I got to the room, people were trying to remove the BuildTak itself to get them off! I got properly annoyed with them and then investigated the stuckness myself. Long story short, I had to use a rubber mallet to knock them off the build plate! I broke 1 of 6 in the process when exploring the best side to hit, but thats not the end of the world. Any ideas on how to get good adhesion with BuildTak but not too good?

Thanks, -Logan

  • created

    Mar '15
  • last reply

    May '15
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