Join The Mini Maker and See Me CNC for the first 3D Printing Showcase at The Meridian Mall.
We will have See Me CNC factory reps in the store all weekend. We will be building our very own 3D printer and you can get in on the action! Plus, we will be unvailing the Eris Desktop printer.
About See Me CNC :
SeeMeCNC is dedicated to bringing you amazing desktop 3D printers and more! Wether you’re a DIY enthusiast or a business who wants to get started fast, we have the 3D printers you need. Our Rostock MAX v2 is the worlds leading delta based desktop 3D printer kit. And our Orion Delta sets the standard in pre-built delta machines. We are more than just machines though, our amazing community is one of the most creative and helpful around. With thousands of members from all over the globe, our community brings together some of the most talented and helpful people.
This event is open to all ages. The Mini Maker is located inside Kids n Dogs at the Meridian Mal
November 24, 2015, 1:01am
Where exactly is the Meridian Mall?
Country, State, City information would be very important to me.
We are located in Lansing, MI. Sorry, I didn’t think to include that information. Feel free to contact me with any questions at
Hey Chris, thanks for sharing it with our community! Would you be willing to give more details: exact location, time, etc? Many thanks
I am sorry, however due to a scheduling conflict on our end we are rescheduling the 3D Printing showcase with See Me CNC to Saturday, December 12 and Sunday, December 13th. Once I have confirmed the details I will repost the event thread. I apologize for the inconvenience.