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Oct 2014

Dear All,

My name is Conrad Martin. I am a 3D printing enthusiast and I was recently at the Relaunching 3D Hubs meetup in Berlin. I have spent several years designing and 3D printing casings and various mechanical add-ons for experimental medical devices here at a research center in the north of Berlin. I am contacting you because one of my current main goals is to enter the field of not just the field of 3D printing but more specifically the field of “Bioprinting”. This is an emerging field of Biotechnology in which people attempt to use 3D printing to create various biological structures such as skin, bone, cartilage, liver tissue and various others, or a kind of artificial scaffolding for cells to attach themselves to and grow around. Unfortunately, I was not able to meet anyone at this past meetup with any knowledge in this regard. As you are all 3D printing enthusiasts and know a lot about this field, I would like to ask you all and your staff members whether anyone has any contacts in this emerging field or knowledge of any startups or academic work being done in this regard, either here in Berlin or anywhere in Europe or North America for that matter. It has been rather difficult to get a lot of meaningful information in this regard from the internet. As you all know interpersonal networking is a much better method for finding a job than anything else.

With kind Regards,

Conrad Martin

  • created

    Oct '14
  • last reply

    Aug '18
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Ask Jelle Boomstra from ProtoSpace (FabLab Utrecht). They are involved with an European project on printing cartilage.

Hi Conrad,

sorry! No experience in this field but I will keep my ears and eyes open :wink: !

Kinde regards, Guy

Hi Conrad,

I think bio-printing is still mostly in the realm of research and/or education institutions. University College London are working on cartilage, specifically ears:

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/science-news/11141971/Children-to-be-implanted-with-3D-printed-ears.html 2


…and Herriot Watt University in Edinburgh are printing stem cells:

http://www.hw.ac.uk/news-events/news/printed-human-organs-testing-transplantation-11075.htm 1

Perhaps this helps.



1 month later

Hi Conrad,

I’m currently putting together a 3D Print for Medical conference agenda for 3D Printshow Berlin - which will be taking place in March next year. I know it’s a while to wait, but it sounds as though it could be the perfect event for you to attend!

Hoping to see you there.

4 months later


ich hoffe mal du kannst auch deutsch und wir schreiben besser so… Also ich bin Ole 30 Jahre alt und wohne auch in Berlin. Wenn ich dich richtig verstanden habe suchst du Leute die auch interesse in Richtung biotec in Verbindung mit 3D-Druck haben!? Ich arbeite bei einer Berliner Biomaterialien-Firma namens Botiss und konstruiere mit der Geomagic Freeform Knochenimplantate die dann aus menschlichen Spenderknochen gefräst werden… eine Richtung in den 3D-Druck wäre dort denkbar…

Gruß Ole

3 years later

Hello Conrad,

Upon publishing our most recent market research report, “3D Bioprinting Market: Global Size, Trends, Competitive, Historical & Forecast Analysis, 2018-2024” I immediately thought of you and your company.

The report examines many aspects like key insights of the industry, which is directly relevant to your Business, the report aims to provide an opportunity for players to understand the latest trends, current market scenario, government initiative, and technologies related to the market.

Request for Free Sample PDF Brochure@ https://www.brandessenceresearch.com/healthcare/medical-devices/global-3d-bioprinting-market-2018-2024/ 1