Nice! Pivot Maker striking again
Wow! 3.8 KG of filament. Thanks for sharing! Did you run into any difficulties?
Actually I have not encountered many difficulties, I have only improved slicing with the following details:
Spiral Vase 0.5mm (one perimeter)
2mm base
3.8kg material pla blue
print speed of 40mm / sec
printing time 69h
thank Virtox Heatwave realize I could have many details, increasing the soft finish of the surface
thank you for your comments !!!
That is impressive! Do you have any more pictures of this? Even more intriguingly - how are you using it?
also about the great designer virtox that provided me julia vase # 011 Heatwave improved for printing giant (200mb of gcode!) last biggest marvin (160MB of gcode)
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