After printing the original Marvin during the process of setting up our 3D hub we printed this triple size Marvin.
The print came out perfectly!
We made the print on a Wanhoo 4S using this ABS
The print was done without any support with a layers of 0,2 mm.
To get good bridging we always print with cabinet closed to keep the heat. We isolated our printer with thermo foam.
We also used the additional cooling fan.
We print directly on the glass plate using a ABS/acetone glue to get the first layer to stick to the glass plate.
Printer: Wanhao 4S
Filament: RepRap ABS
Layer height: 0.2 mm
Thermo foam, to isolate printer
Made by ADDprint
Awesome print guys! Do you have more good results with isolating the printer with foam? It looks like something I’am gonna try-out myself…
To get rid off any glue/acentone mixtures I use the buildtak from 3dprima… works perfectly for me (only not with PVA but ABS and PLA sticks good).
Cheers Barry
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Hi Guys, well done, looks very good. We have had some amazing results with the Wanaho series and do recommend them.
See attached print. This is PLA at 300 microns. Excuse the cut and paste photo.
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February 19, 2015, 2:24pm
Nice job, the eyes look a little funky. I’ve been pretty happy with my d4s, it’s definitely a solid printer. I’ve also been using buildtak and do far I like it but I am curious how often I’ll have to replace it.
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Nice print! Was this with out a heated build plate? If so, that’s impressive.
When clicking on the this abs nothing specific comes up about what type of abs you used. Can you provide a link to what you specifically you used.
I have a wanhao duplicator 4s and once you are able to dial the settings in for the filament you cam get amazing prints. I also use lexan instead of glass for my print bed at 100c for abs adhesion. Things stick a little too much so maybe 90c or 85c for the heated bed.
July 17, 2015, 9:44am
Awesome, I have a Duplicator 4s as well and I cannot wait to get it to perform like this. I noticed that you said that you used an additional cooling fan. I’ve learned recently that ABS is not supposed to be cooled but in my configuration it seems to help warping. Could you share more about that?
I’ll be using this Marvin as a reference.