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May 2015

Hi Arnoldas, I am a proud owner of an HS myself since some months now.

Funny enough, after some months of use I came up to exactly to the same filament load procedure you describe above.

All in all I am very satisfied with the printer and can agree with all your observations: it requires somehow an investment to get it “full pedal” but then the reward is there. I agree on your preferred range of printing speeds too.

I have noticed too that the Leapfrog profiles for the printing are simply “unrealistic” :slight_smile:

Also, while the frontend LCD panel and control is so neat and promising, I find it of very low usage… and as you say it is a must to have a laptop connected for common setup operations; anyhow I usually print from USB and have to say I had never a pb with that.

I personally get the best results in sticking combining the std stickers and adding a thin layer of UHU glue when appropriate… and I agree with the others that good leveling and calibration of the bed is essential and most important.

I have a couple of questions for you or any other kind enough to answer based on your stronger experience:

- do you know exactly what is the firmware update procedure and downloadables? Not easy to find a good reference for that in the Leapfrog site (at least for me)

- Are you using Simplify3D or any other SW? I am using Simplify3D (both windows and Linux versions), but I’d like to try Repetier as an alternative, only issue is that in Linux I am not ableto get the Repetier manual control working (the printer seems connected but does not react to manual controls).

Hey! Thanks for the great observations! As I mentioned @bgreenslade is the author of this post so He’d be the best to also address these I guess.

I, after having the printer for a week , am getting more positive about it for sure. We’re getting used to the software and the Printer slowly. The Simplify 3D softwware is really helpful for sure!

However, I do have an issue with the LCD panel- I dislike using it. I feel it’s much to responsive and not user-friendly :frowning:

1 year later


I’ve started to work with my HS for more than month. I seems to be a very promising printer but need to have the right settings in Simplify 3D.

Could you please send me your settings because the ones provided Creatr seem to be not optimized :wink:

