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Mar 2016

By the way, because I mod thee printhead, I have spare hotends, electronics and nozzles. If you get the HS, you might want to get my spares or the files for modding the printhead. I’ve also removed the normal covers and get new ones laser cutted out of acrylglass. The bew enclosure will also cover the front (sliding pannels, to open) and also the top will be covered. If you want, I can send you the drawings and an assembly guide. I’ll probably start a thread about all this on TALK soon, but if you want, I can send it all to you personally. Cheers, Marius Breuer

Thanks a lot Marius! It will be great to share your knowledge in a new thread! If i decide to buy HS i will pm you definetly

Hey! I have TAZ 4 for $1900, I can sell you the hub and printer with my laywood, nylon, and other filaments I got. I also have an extra motor so you could print out the Dual Extruder mount and get that made (you would just need the hot end). It does have heated bed and goes up to 110 degrees celsius. One of the best things about the printer is its MASSIVE print volume of 1 foot cubed! Check it out here —> http://www.kijiji.ca/v-view-details.html?adId=1058984447 3

Flashforge Dreamer isn’t that small. I’ve printed quite large options, and if you need to you can print objects in pieces. The Flashforge Dreamer is quite reliable, well built, but I’d recommend using other software if you wish to slice. It has great print resolution going below 0.1mm in layer height.

1 month later
2 months later

Hi! I have a Poetry2 3D printer by Ira3D and I find it very good: big build volume, high quality print and dual extruder. I also find very good the assistance service, I had trouble because it was my 1st experience with 3d print and I asked the Ira3D assistance (for free!): they were very kind, so I orederd also the Poetry Infinity 5 (new 3D printer by Ira3D) because I am very interested about the 15 microns resolution. Now I’m waiting to try it before giving an opinion …

2 months later

I buy yesterday the ira3D, I will receive it in 45 days… wait and see

i have a creatr HS, impossible to produce with her… (I used to use 3D printer FDM, because I have 10 printers)

I you have some money , you can buy the 3NTR A4 ( around 5000€) it’s a good printer who have all you want

29 days later

We are very disappointed with Ira3D. Having ordered and paid for the new Infinity printer on October 4, 2015 (with the written promise of having it delieverd within two weeks, thus around October 18, 2015), we still haven’t received anything else than broken promises, both from the sales team as well as the CEO himself. This all is a highly disappointing experience, and I do not recommend doing business with them.

22 days later

I have experience and I am very happy. The dual independent extruders systems makes the difference. Here you have a review:

And here printing with PVA

1 month later

Hi Michael, did you received your printer? Also mine had a slight delay (light, thankfully!) but the quality is very excellent, nothing to clain (thankfully again!), did you test the printer?

I have recieved mine 3 weeks ago, a lot of problems on clogged nozzles and material feed. Monday they will pick it up to verify the machine, I have 3 good prints out of 20, the good ones are really very nice on quality, but I hope they are able to fix the machine, as I already have orders for 2 colored parts on 30 microns resolution

19 days later

I’m eyeing this Printer myself…it’s surprising to read the reviews, Monoprice has been a great source for cables and adapters. If you view the video it actually holds merit to consider based on the cost alone sub $650 Products no longer Available

15 days later
15 days later
12 months later

Hi John_Fragoullas! The Novio 3D Model 106 Dual 3D printer has all the specs that you are looking for in a 3D printer! It has dual extruders, heated bed, easy changeable nozzles (Diamond XTR Extruders 0.1mm - 1.0 mm), and with great quality prints! For Auto bed leveling, you can buy their auto leveling kit to automatically level properly your print bed. You can also request for the Enclosure box/frame for your Novio 3D printer. Just email them thru their website at www.novio3d.com 8. I think you would love Novio 3D printers!