Hi, thanks for the detailed reply. I agree with you and I now want to get the p3Steel and then later on upgrade to the toolson edition. Where did you buy your printer? As I said above, my researches have stop one this one: Welcome kitprinter3d.com - BlueHost.com 1 Since you appeared to have a 300mm printer, imagine that you had to print a rectangle with the following dimentions: 290-190-190 how much off would you thing the part would be? Just an approximation:) Also, are you happy with you surface finishing? At the end of the day, my goal wpuld be to print a matrix to then make carbon parts. The parts would be quite big=>that is why I need a big printer and I may have to assemble two prints to make one matrix=>that is why precision is really important…
Prusa i3’s have got to be the best style. They’re really good.
Anyway, a design client of mine sent me a cheap geeetech ripoff from eBay, cost £150. It worked really well out of the box and I’ve been upgrading it to even better since! Check my hub, that’s the printer I’m using and it does really well. The Marvin (though upside down in the pic) turned out really well.
Get one of those and print your own upgrades. It uses a GT2560 board so can easily be firmware upgraded.
PS if you want to upgrade to an E3D V6 hot end I’ve designed a nice little mount.
£150 for a ripoff? The official website now provides $249 plus free shipping and free tax, if you are in USA, AU and EU countries, they have local warehouse.
anyway, better to buy from them directly. http://www.geeetech.com/acrylic-geeetech-i3-pro-b-3d-printer-kit-p-917.html
Indeed, customer support is a big plus for a first printer. Do you know if his new printer can be upgraded to a steel frame/toolson edition? Or is the frame bigger due to the bigger bed?