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Jul 2016

Im looking to get my first 3d printer and was wondering what do y’all think is the best choice here in the USA under $500? I have looked at review after review and keep getting contradictory information. One report will say this printer “x” is best and printer “w” is crap and the next is the opposite. Looking for y’alls opinion, thanks

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    Jul '16
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    Jul '16
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I just got the monoprice maker select and really like it so far. Marvin isn’t printing perfect yet, but larger models are printing great. I highly recommend it. It is the same printer as the wanhao duplicator i3 as well so there is a large support group for the printer.

After a alot more looking around I may be able to increase my budget to around 700. I have been looking at the FT-5 and original prusa i3 mk2. What are y’alls thoughts on them or is there a better option at that price range?