I am new to this forum, and I am interested in creating a 3D bee hive. I wanted to know, is there a good online image to 3D print converter software available online?
I wanted to download an image of a bee hive from google, and turn it into a 3D object. Is that possible and what software would you recommend to do that?
There’s no software that would convert an image of something into a finished 3D model. Your best bet it to get plans for a beehive and replicate them in 3D software to be printed as plastic parts. Beehives like the Langstroth or County design are a series of boxes really, with the frames (that hold the honey and honeycomb) also just box frames. You “could” replicate the designs for these in something as simple as Tinkercad and then export the models as STL’s ready for print. They were designed to be made form simple measurements of wood and replicated to add more and more supers. Simple to replicate with some box shapes in Tinkercad. But you will need a large printer to print the longer length parts - hives are just short of two feet in depth.
However - bees are very sensitive to chemicals and materials - there’s reasons why most beehives are made from wood. You shouldn’t really even varnish them as they (bees) don’t like that either. Not sure if a plastic beehive would work too well - but there are commercial hives made from plastic, so it must I guess?!