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Jun 2017

So I’ve almost put 3/4kg of ABS through my first 3d Printer the FF Dreamer. I was wondering if there is a simple method of cleaning the bed for maintenance? Just a simple wipe down, damn cloth, etc? The reason I ask is that I just finished a 45 piece print that was an 8+ hour print and sometime 1/2 way through, I had 5 pieces (in the front middle area) detach and ruin those prints, thankfully the remaining pieces remained adhered and turned out good. I’m thinking that specific area on the bed is now been overused and the surface may need to be cleaned. Am I correct?

  • created

    Jun '17
  • last reply

    Jun '17
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What materials are you printing with, what temps are you using for your bed and extruder and what infill ?If you haven’t already completed, consider getting a glass bed. I print on glass with elmers glue stick for pla and hair spray for abs

We just got a class bed and we use painters tape and glue stick for any material and it works great!

We use a glass bed with kapton tape and you can literally flick the print off after it cools and leaves the print with a nice smooth finish.

So I’m using the factory Flashforge Spool of ABS that came with the Dreamer. Standard factory bed with the blue FF cover on it.

Extruder at 230, bed at 105, as per the S3D default programs. With larger prints the damned ABS sticks to the bed like concrete, which is why I wondered if certain areas of the bed are getting smoother (aka less porosity to adhere to).

Image of the print and my first real issue. You will note that out of 45 pcs, 5 shifted and messed up.

https://i11.servimg.com/u/f11/19/50/73/31/fins_c12.jpg 7

Also wondering about aftermarket filaments (ABS) and what works well in the Dreamer…

If you are just starting with 3d printing use PLA it’s more forgiving. I’d also recommend getting a couple pieces of borosilicate glass… you can pull the glass off and prints pop right off. I keep two sheets of glass so I can pull one off, let it cool and start another print asap

When I run out of the ABS I’ll switch to the supplied roll of PLA. I needed something with a bit more strength than PLA for my first couple items so I used the ABS. No issues except for where I forgot supports, and now this… Plus I’m lazy enough that I wasn’t going to bother switching materials between prints. I have been impressed with the turnout and quality of the ABS in general. Like I said this was the first issue in 30+ hours of prints.

10-4 you are definitely doing better than I was ! Happy printing