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Dec 2015

In the spirit of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” opening week, here’s my version of the new BB-8 droid!

Demo and Making-of video:

It is fully 3D printed and powered by an Arduino-based robotic platform. This droid self-balances on two wheels, play native sounds, contains multiple programmable LEDs, and is remote controlled.

My version of this new Star Wars symbol is completely designed in SketchUp, then 3D Printed on two FDM printers, for a total of 50 hours of printing.

You may ask “why doesn’t it roll?” Well, it’s only the first version where I was looking for an easy way to make it move. The next version will roll and keep its head on top with a system of self-orienting magnets.

Other interesting facts:

- The painting is actually done with an assortment of orange and metallic nail polishes!
- The big black “eye” is half of a Christmas ball ornament.
- The 3D printer is a Dremel Idea Builder, using 200 meters of white PLA for the whole robot.
- The remote controller also uses an Arduino for communicating via RF with the robot.
- The robotic platform is a Sainsmart instabot V3.
- The programmable LEDs are Adafruit NeoPixels.
- The head rotates via a micro servo actuated via the Arduino.

May the force be with you,


  • created

    Dec '15
  • last reply

    Dec '15
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