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Feb 2016

Hey @GloomySparker, thanks for mentioning me. For printing with bambooFill (or woodFill) I use the same the settings as for printing with PLA. This because colorFabb filament is so well produced.

This architectural model was printed for a Graduation Project, Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft. At the graduation stage everyone is required to prepare a good looking model, which is including in the determination of the final grade.

So for me it was important to print the model as beautifully as I could.

Temperature was 200 degrees (with my own made Prusa i3, also the script settings are defined by me). Layer height 0.1 mm (with a 0.3 mm nozzle). The height of the model is at its maximum around 2 cm, a 0.2 mm layer height made the sides of the model look ‘zigzagged’.

BambooFill consists of plastic and fine grained bamboo, this often resulted in open gaps by closing infill patterns (even though the infill was densed). That’s why I’ve printed this model on a very low speed (30%), so that all the particles were ‘glued’ to each other.

Beautiful model! We would like to know and see more about this project :slight_smile:

Hey @ColorFabb, this is my friend @deniz_uygur’s graduation project: Accommodation of Spiritual Spatial Experience in a Modern Urban Fabric. The project is simply about offering a new experience for pedestrians whose main movement is more like constant daily migrations from one spot to another in modern cities. In this design Deniz tried to redefine and redesign a streetscape zone in order to let users give their own meanings into it, and have a dissolution between object and subject / urban and citizen.

In her design Deniz used timber for the cladding, that’s why Deniz and I thought that printing wood/bamboo would be the best solution and thanks to you, @ColorFabb, it was.