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Oct 2016

Hey guys,

Wanted to see if anyone has had a similar issue with their M200, and has figured out a solution. After all the raft is done printing, lately I have been getting really bad areas on the first layer. This results in a really poor surface on the printed part. It is almost as if it were under extruding, but the fact that the raft is all printed, and the surrounding areas are always fine, have me thrown for a loop. I’ve run the autocalibration plenty of times, makes no difference. This is a pretty new problem, but it is happening on every print. Any ideas? Thanks!

(Picture taken mid print to show the issue)

  • created

    Oct '16
  • last reply

    Apr '17
  • 5


  • 2.1k


  • 5


4 months later
2 months later

Hey guys,

I had the same problem. I replaced the nozzle with a brand new one and changed also the extruder cable without any success.
After this try I got an hint from a another zortrax user to change the complete Hotend and surprise, surprise… the problem with the bad first layer is gone.

I think the Teflon insert is the root cause.

I hope this will help other zortrax users.

