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Jul 2017

I’m looking to buy a new printer focused on jewelry. The new B9 core 530 seems to be an excellent option but it is very similar to envisiontec Micro Plus Hi Res, which is also a good option.
Anyone had the opportunity to compare the result of this printers?

  • created

    Jul '17
  • last reply

    Jul '17
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I have a year and a half with the Envisiontec loved the machine, but I wasn’t paying for consumables. We used the Epic M and EC3000. Both resins are expensive, and the viscosity of the EC3000 seemed like there was a bit of waste. Just received samples of the core 530 and 550, resin at 189 a bottle. Loved the samples, not a super huge differences between the 30 and 50 microns. I am working.iut purchasing the core unit currently.

Is there a reason you are looking at resin machines?

Envisontec is a very expensive resin machine, there are many machines that are just as good if not better for half the price.

Have you had a look at Solidscape?

Look around Hatton Garden and the majority of jewellers will either have or be using someone who has a solidscape to produce parts.

Little bit more expensive but it has no limitations compared to resin… you have to pay for quality!

I looked into solidscape but the productivity of the machine is very low and in my country their servicing is slow and expensive. But the quality is very impressive.

Quality of both is very high. B9Core has a better price/performance ratio of about 5 times and, depending on your location, much better service.

Solidscape is good for some very specific geometries, but it is basically dead/outdated tech at this point. If you buy one you might as well pick up a fax machine and cassette walkman to go along with the 80’s theme.