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May 2016

Is that for sure using the actual response time on 3d hubs? Or could it possibly be hard coded into the bot to say that, as 52 hours would be a couple days. I’ve noticed that on my hub it says in my dashboard that it would appear as ‘within the hour’ but on my actual hub it says two hour response time, despite my time being about 30 minutes. Also ive noticed sometimes 3d hubs texts me saying I haven’t responded to customers in hours when in reality I often already have ample time before the message. Could be related or could be totally separate problems, regardless I hope this input helps and wish you best of luck!

Thanks for your reply! My average reponce time is about an hour. It might be hard coded but I’m not sure of any hubs that have a responds time of “a few days”.

I haven’t either but at the same time, usually someone who needs a bot to respond to people can’t get back very fast to begin with so it’s quite possible

Hey @3drapidprints (and other Hubs on this thread), as you can tell we’re working on a couple improvements to the order page, while we we’re planning to test these on our staging environment we accidently (partially) deployed some of the features to the live website. We’re reverting those now. Indeed the response time the automated message says hours where it should say minutes, we’ll go through all orders and update that as it’s not accurate and makes you look bad - sorry for that.

The plan is to release automated Hub reply and a couple other nice improvements (a Help Center for customers, better Hub profile/info, more direct conversation between Hub and Customer and more control over orders for Hubs) coming week Wednesday or Thursday, and of course we will inform you of the changes as soon as they’re live.

Really looking forward to hear your feedback later this week when it ‘really’ goes live. Thanks for notifying us!