Hi everyone,
It could be weird, but, as a hub owner, I don’t know the exact process of a print, especially a Fairphone case order.
Is there anywhere I can have a look on this process?
Depending on where you live, the process and the payment options are a bit different…
I think it is really important that I am aware of almost everything the customer is involved into, so I could help him at every step. Gaining in knownledge would lead in quicker response times and less job for CM.
Hey @GloomySparker, can you point out 1-2 areas which you feel are confusing at the moment? We’d love to clarify this for you, as it this can definitely improve customer experience.
To be totally honest, it is not precise points but the whole thing I would like to make clearer.
For example:
- My hub is located in Switzerland
- As shipping costs, I always charge CHF 2.-
- A customer asked me how she could pay the shipping costs without a Paypal account
I was not aware of how she had to pay these costs and could not help her. Of course, @sandrako, my CM, helped her but it could really improve the customer and hub experience if the process could be clearer for both sides. Having this clearer could also make less job for 3DHubs and work on specific tasks with more added value.
One more example is how the Fairphone cases are processed. A quick schema could help a bit.
The statistics usage is one more subject… but perhaps a bit later! 
Hey @GloomySparker, we don’t really have a document for all these, so the best thing right now is to keep in contact with your CM. @sandrako will be more than happy to assist and I’m sure that in time all things will be clearer. We will keep your question in midn though and do our best to cover all these in the future.
About the Fairphone cases, maybe hubs already printing Fairphone cases might help, for example @wouter_15, @Jeroen_35, @Poekie or @ciska?
I’m sure @Luuk could help as well 
That’s a pain that you do not have that document. One more time, today, I had to deal with a similar problem and CM would not have been of any help.
Let me explain:
- A Fairphone customer contacted me by phone today.
- She wanted to know the process on her side, if her order has been passed and how to choose the case color.
I was really annoyed how to reply her. In fact, I really do not know process, how her interface looks like, where is the button to contact the CM, …
I am not feeling pro…