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Jul 2016

I will start by saying long time fan of 3D printing - First time getting the chance to print one!

My question is related to a very large print need - A campus 10-12 buildings, roadways - low level of detail (one color is fine). Second print will be more detailed, 2 buildings, 2-3 colors.

My question is where do I start to decide on materials, approach for modeling, and lessons learned - that I do not want to repeat!

  • created

    Jul '16
  • last reply

    Jul '16
  • 5


  • 1.5k


  • 6


Hey, you can check out the http://www.FilamentOne.com website where you can pick the materials and colors. Then feel free to contact our hub - Leader Prototyping and we can help you with printing. We have in stock every material and color from FilamentOne.

Something depends on exactly how your model. But if you want print the terrain and buildings, separate these parts for printing and assembly after.

Look some print that i did. this is compost about 9 parts for base and more 9 building. one have more details.

You can print in PLA, this is more easy to print and give better joints if you need to cut your model.

Remember in your modeling respect the minimum detail size, is about 0,6 to 1,0 mm depends what print you will use. of course this is for FDM printers.

An other thing you need to think is about overhangs, if the model need to create some support to print some part, you will have to remove after and some slicer program create a lot of support for some parts an when you remove you damage your model. So if you could separate some detail to print an join after is the best.

For buildings for more than one color or you create separated parts, print and glue together, some printers FDM could print in 2 colors, or have an option to print in SLA printers. Is able to print in lot of colors, but your model need to have this colors predetermined.


Good project.

First question is how the final print will be displayed? In open, sunny auditorium, classroom or hallway. PLA is deteriorating quickly under UV rays (sun) and become very brittle. I would suggest ABS or ULTRAT (Ultrat will not warp and shrinkage is limited,) , there are other materials like PCABS or even laywood if want to have wooden appearance. Check if your printer has Pause and Material change features, if it does, you can print each floor in different color if desired. Results are much better than 2 heads printers as there is no leakage of one color over another. Define your scale and chose printer capable of printing fine details, like roofs, bricks, stone etc. You will have your own lessons as 3D printing is still not exact science and you can have different results from the same printer if you will use different filament. White from company X, does’t have to be the same like white from company y. Always use filament from the same vendor and for good results it is much better to buy higher quality filament (can cost more) than cheap junk. Good makers ColorFab, MakeShaper, Taulman, AirWolf if you need 3mm to name a few. These are mine picks, but you should request samples from different makers and test your print first to find which one is the best for your purpose.

All the best


You can reach me (if in USA) @ 678-560-3739

Good luck and Happy Printing.

I redesign architecture as modelkits or as in a high scale do is in a few separate components. depending on the detail needed. you’ll have to learn the strenght and weaknesses of an fdm printer



How big are we talking in mm width and lenght?

I ask as I am just making a 3d printer with a 1000x 1000 x 1000 mm build volume for printing architectural massing models.